April 15, 2021
 | Announcement

How the Construction Industry Is a Viable Career Path for Women

Though the construction industry remains largely dominated by men, the tide is rapidly turning. Great opportunities for jobs in the skilled crafts make building and construction a high-paying and potentially fulfilling career path for women up for the challenge. Here are just a few of the great reasons to consider a career in construction.

  1.  Excellent earning potential– women who work in the skilled crafts make more money than their counterparts in other industries. While women dominate the childcare and traditional office industries, a woman in construction can earn up to 30% more.

  1. There’s a labor shortage in construction, making it an optimal time for women to make the leap. By December 2022, it’s projected that Arizona will need 204,000 craft professionals. Arizona women looking for stability and high pay in a booming industry need look no further than their backyard.

  1. The opportunity to blaze a trail – If you’re a pioneer, you’ll likely have the opportunity to mentor younger women entering the skilled trades and help guide the next generation to even greater heights.

  1. Learning practical skills – building and construction will give you a tangible skill set to use across a wide variety of industries and situations. The practical applications for what you’ll learn are endless.

  1. Leadership potential – There is a shortage of female leadership in C-suite/upper-management in the construction industry. Many companies are aware of this deficit and are working to create a more equitable environment for women. Now couldn’t be a better time to throw your hat into the ring.

Visit the Build Your Future AZ careers page to jumpstart your journey.