June 8, 2023

How Gen-Z and New Technologies Will Shape Construction’s Future  

It’s official: Gen-Z is entering the workforce. Their arrival brings a unique new perspective, as well as a deeper understanding of technology. And that will undoubtedly change workplaces everywhere, including those in the skilled trades.  

Of course, new technologies will keep coming. They always have. (And the construction industry has a long history of utilizing those new technologies.) Having Gen-Z construction workers — an entire generation raised on hyper-evolving tech — will help our industry evolve right along with it. This is a genuinely exciting opportunity for all parties. 

In this article, we’ll explore how new advancements are reshaping the skilled trades sector and how organizations like Build Your Future Arizona are equipping Gen-Z workers for success in this dynamic field. 

Evolving Technologies Make Construction Better 

As emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, augmented reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to grow and converge, they transform the landscape of skilled trades. These technologies are streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and improving safety. For example, AI-powered algorithms can analyze construction site data to predict potential hazards, thereby mitigating risks and enhancing workplace safety. 

On of AI’s biggest benefits to construction is its analytical power. This power means a lot of time can be saved in the long run. AI can track everyday actions of construction workers — things like retrieving tools and equipment — and analyze how much time each jobsite is spending on those tasks. Workers can then analyze this data to develop new time-saving strategies. 

Partners in Progress 

As Gen-Z continues to enter the skilled trades, they’ll be counted on to guide how these new technologies are implemented. Given their familiarity with them, Gen-Z is in a great position to lead our industry into its exciting future. 

“Gen-Z is the first generation to grow up with cellphones and computers and be completely familiar with coding and computer-assisted work,” the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) noted. “It might look like they are fiddling around on smartphones or playing games when they are actually finding ways to make everyone’s lives easier and more efficient.” 

Understanding and Empowering Gen-Z 

Build Your Future Arizona (BYFAZ) is dedicated to preparing and supporting the next generation of skilled trades workers. We recognize the unique qualities Gen-Z brings to the workforce, and we’re actively working to understand their aspirations, strengths, and preferences. 

Our website offers valuable resources to the next generation, helping them navigate the skilled trades workforce. Here’s some of what you’ll find there: 

Taking Your Next Step 

This industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation these days, and so much of it is driven by evolving technologies. Gen-Z has a unique advantage here, with their innate familiarity and fluency in technology. We’re excited to help equip this generation with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to thrive.  

Let’s build your future in lockstep with our industry’s future! 

The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation‘s Construction Workforce Initiative, Build Your Future Arizona’s mission is to create a sustainable and skilled craft workforce by creating awareness about high-paying construction careers, training opportunities and mapping career paths to employment in these high-demand occupations.